Planters Paradise

Planters Paradise

Pet-Friendly Plants:

These top 10 non-toxic plants are the perfect gift for those with cats, dogs, and other furry friends.

Looking for a houseplant that wont upset your furry companion's tummy if they choose to take a bite? We've got you covered. From Spider Plants to Areca Palms, we've picked out our top pet-friendly houseplants.

Spider Plant

The Spider Plant does best in any form of hanging basket, it's fronds grow quickly and will trail well below the planter if allowed the space. When conditions are right, it will grow small shoots with baby spider plants. These can be trimmed and replanted as the Spider Plant's primary form of propegation.

African Violet

These beautiful little flowers come in a variety of colors, and with the proper care, this small plant can grow to the diameter of a dinner plate. With soft fuzzy leaves and flowers that bloom year-round, this plant makes for a great Valentines or Mother's Day gift.

Hoya Wayetii

This member of the succulent family has thick, waxy leaves that conserve water. The Hoya plant variety is not only safe for pets, but is incredibly low maintenance as well. Just plop it in a bright windowsill and water heavily 1-2x a month.

  • Common Name: Hoya, Wax Plant

  • Botanical Name: Hoya Wayetii

  • Mature Size: 3ft Long

  • Sun Exposure: Full / Partial

  • Soil Type: Potting Soil + Perlite

  • Water Schedule: 1-2x Monthly

  • Humidity: High (60% - 80%)

  • Toxic To Pets: No

  • Orchid

    The popularity of this beautiful plant has spiked and for good reason. These classic low-maintenance flowers can be found in both garden centers and grocery stores, and come in nearly every color you could imagine. Orchids prefer an exposed root system and require very little water to thrive. If you keep your home on the cooler side, this beautiful flower will bloom year-round.


    This flowering plant brings a slice of the tropics straight to your living room. The large, vibrant flowers resemble a pineapple top and don't need to be kept in a pot. Similarly to air plants, they can be fastened to a wall and grown upright. Bromeliad's can also be watered using the center 'cup' of the flower.

    Boston Fern

    If your home tends to hover on the more humid side, the Boston Fern will absolutely thrive. This vibrant & bushy houseplant can grow up to three feet tall when given the right environment. Lucky for us, it's pet-friendly and won't upset your furry companion's stomach if they take a nibble.


    The Calathea plant is another great choice for those who live in higher humidity zones. The Calathea family comes in a variety of colors & textures, and some varieties (like the rattlesnake calathea) will even react to darkness and close up their leaves at night.

    Chinese Money Plant

    Also known both as the Friendship Plant and the Pancake Plant, this little houseplant grows and propegates quickly, producing frequent sprouts that can be repotted and given away to friends and family. The Chinese Money Plant also retains moisture in both its leaves and trunk, so less watering is required.

    Radiator Plant

    The Radiator Plant is sure to captivate your attention with it's dual toned leaves and vibrant stems. This low maintenance houseplant sports a vibrant red on the underbelly of its foliage, and is safe for pets should they take a curious nibble.

    Areca Palm

    If you're in the market for a large houseplant to fill out an empty corner, the Areca Palm is the perfect pet-friendly solution. This palm has a maximum height of around seven feet tall indoors, and won't hurt any curious pets who decide to snack on the luscious fronds.

    Click Here For The ASPCA's Comprehensive List of Toxic & Non-Toxic Plants

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